Sedation Dentistry

Do you keep putting off that dental procedure due to fear? If the thought of going to a dentist puts you in a panic, sedation may be a good solution for you. Sedation dentistry is focused on the comfort of the patient. It involves the use of different types of sedation to help the patient feel calm and relaxed during the procedure. The level of sedation used will depend on the needs of the patient. Moderate sedation for example, allows the patient to be awake during the procedure but helps to keep them calm. Some patients however, prefer not to be awake during the procedure. Dr. Kelley Fisher, DDS offers sedation dentistry that Sammamish residents trust for their comfort during dental procedures.

If you can relate to anxious feelings when imagining a trip to the dentist, Dr. Fisher has great news for you.

There are 2 types of Sedation Dentistry

IV Sedation

Our IV sedation dentistry services in Sammamish are available for those that prefer to be unconscious during the dental procedure. This is ideal for those with extreme dental phobia. It involves the insertion of an IV line into the vein in the crook of the arm. The sedative is passed into the bloodstream through the IV line. Your breathing and other vital signs will be monitored closely throughout the procedure.

Nitrous Oxide Gas

This is a popular type of sedation and is quite safe for use with adults and children. Also known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide gas allows you to relax. A local anesthetic will be needed to prevent pain. You will however, be awake during the procedure. This form of sedation has lower risks compared to other types. Its effects also wear off quite quickly. It is often used for procedures ranging from simply teeth cleaning to more complex procedures such as root canals.

Advantages of Sedation Dentistry

It will help reduce anxiety

More than 60 percent of the world’s population fears dentists. While most of the fears associated with dentists are unfounded, they still make visits to the dentists unpleasant. If you’re anxious about visiting the dentist, having a sedative administered to you can help keep you calm before, during and after your treatment. It will help ensure you get the treatment you need.

It will help to ease discomfort

Some patients have a low threshold for pain. Others have sensitive gag reflexes. If you’re anxious about your dental treatment, you may tense up and this may make the experience more unpleasant than it really is. A sedative will help you relax and thus reduce your overall discomfort from the procedure.

Procedures can be completed faster

When the patient is under sedation, the dentist can work more efficiently. They can focus on the procedure and get it done more quickly.