Are your teeth not as bright as you’d like?


Our teeth-whitening methods are safe, fast, and state-of-the-art. Enjoy the benefits of our most requested cosmetic procedure with our Zoom Teeth Whitening or at-home bleaching. Choose the option that’s most convenient for you.

One of the most popular and simplest ways to have a more youthful, sparkling smile is tooth whitening (or bleaching). Many different things can cause teeth to be stained or discolored such as smoking, taking certain food or drinks, and/or medications, and just general aging. We can help you look years younger by simply removing these stains and improving the shade of your smile.

ZOOM! Whitening

This in-office and at-home teeth whitening system that uses innovative, technology to deliver professional, clinically-proven, long- lasting results. How it works: The in-office whitening takes 60 minutes, causes less sensitivity and includes a take-home kit. The light and heat accelerate the Zoom! Whitening Gel giving you faster, longer- lasting results. It can take more than one session, but you’re in control, your smile can get as white and as bright as can be. Sensitive teeth? No problem. Ask about our sensitivity light for beautiful results and no pain.

At-Home Bleaching

At-home bleaching trays with gel provide a more affordable yet slightly more time consuming method of whitening your teeth. After taking impressions of your teeth, Dr. Fisher will custom fabricate trays for you to use at home with home whitening gel. Patient’s can achieve a dramatic improvement in the shade of their smile after approximately two weeks of home whitening. After the desired shade is reached, the remaining whitening gel can be stored in the refrigerator for use again in the future.

To achieve the best overall results, we often suggest that patients use a combination of in-office whitening plus a few nights of follow-up whitening at home. Because teeth pick up stain over time, patients are also encouraged to continue using the home whitening trays after their regular cleanings or any time they feel the need brighten their smile again.


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